B1 Kapitel 4-7 Added...

Building Complex Sentences in German

Master the art of connecting ideas using conjunctions and clauses.


At the B1 level, it’s essential to move beyond simple sentences and start creating complex ones. Complex sentences involve multiple clauses and are connected using subordinating or coordinating conjunctions.

Types of Conjunctions

1. Coordinating Conjunctions

These conjunctions connect two independent clauses without changing word order:

  • und (and)
  • oder (or)
  • aber (but)
  • denn (because)
  • sondern (but rather)
Example: Ich lerne Deutsch, und ich finde es interessant. (I am learning German, and I find it interesting.)

2. Subordinating Conjunctions

These conjunctions introduce subordinate clauses and change the word order:

  • weil (because)
  • dass (that)
  • wenn (if/when)
  • obwohl (although)
  • damit (so that)
Example: Ich lerne Deutsch, weil ich in Deutschland arbeiten möchte. (I am learning German because I want to work in Germany.)

Building Sentences

Practice combining ideas using conjunctions:

  • Ich habe wenig Zeit, aber ich möchte die Aufgabe beenden. (I have little time, but I want to finish the task.)
  • Ich bleibe zu Hause, weil es regnet. (I am staying at home because it is raining.)


Using conjunctions effectively is a key step in advancing your German writing and speaking skills. Start with simple combinations and gradually introduce more complex structures.