What are Reflexive Verbs?
Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject performs an action on itself. These verbs are accompanied by reflexive pronouns, which match the subject in case and number.
Examples of Reflexive Verbs
- sich waschen (to wash oneself)
- sich anziehen (to dress oneself)
- sich freuen (to be happy)
Reflexive Pronouns
Reflexive pronouns in German:
- Ich: mich/mir
- Du: dich/dir
- Er/sie/es: sich
- Wir: uns
- Ihr: euch
- Sie/sie: sich
Examples in Sentences
- Ich freue mich auf das Wochenende. (I am looking forward to the weekend.)
- Er wäscht sich die Hände. (He washes his hands.)
Reflexive verbs are essential for expressing personal actions and emotions. Practice with common verbs and reflexive pronouns to master them!